IAADP Assistance Dog Standards
Uses Public Access Standards Assessment that comply with
the IAADP Standards
International Association of
Assistance Dog Partners
IAADP Minimum Training Standards for Public Access
IAADP’s overall mission is to foster the assistance dog movement in the
USA and other countries. As part of this mission, we seek to promote the
responsible use of access rights in the disabled community.
IAADP has developed a set of Minimum Training Standards for Public
Access. These are drawn from the Minimum Training Standards for
Service Dogs first establish by Assistance Dogs International (ADI) with
consumer input from IAADP. Visit www.assistancedogsinternational.orgIAADP Minimum Training Standards for Public Access
1. Amount of Schooling- 120 hours:
An assistance dog should be given a minimum of one hundred twenty
(120) hours of schooling over a period of Six Months or more. At least
thirty (30) hours of which should be devoted to outings that will
prepare the dog to work obediently and unobtrusively in public
2. Obedience Training:
A dog must master the basic obedience skills: “Sit, Stay, Come, Down,
Heel” and a dropped leash recall in a store in response to verbal
commands and/or hand signals.
3. Manners:
A dog must acquire proper social behaviour skills. It includes at a
• No aggressive behaviour toward people or other animals – no
biting, snapping, snarling, growling or lunging and barking at them
when working off your property.
• No soliciting food or petting from other people while on duty.
• No sniffing merchandise or people or intruding into another dog’s
space while on duty.
• Socialize to tolerate strange sights, sounds, Odors etc. in a wide
variety of public settings.
• Ignores food on the floor or dropped in the dog’s vicinity while
working outside the home.
• Works calmly on leash. No unruly behaviour or unnecessary
vocalizations in public settings.
• No urinating or defecating in public unless given a specific
command or signal to toilet in an appropriate place.
4. Disability Related Tasks:
The dog must be individually trained to perform identifiable tasks on
command or cue for the benefit of the disabled human partner. This
includes alerting to sounds, medical problems, certain scents like
peanuts or situations if training is involved.For a definition of a “task” and “individually trained,” and “what is
not a task” and many examples of tasks performed by different kinds
of assistance dogs.
5. Prohibited Training:
Any training that arouses a dog’s prey drive or fear to elicit a display
of aggression for guard or defence purposes is strictly prohibited.
Non aggressive barking as a trained behaviour is permitted in
appropriate situations.
6. A Trainer’s Responsibilities:
Trainers function as ambassadors for the assistance dog movement.
This includes a disabled owner trainer, a provider’s staff or a
volunteer with a puppy or adult dog “in training.” It also includes an
assistance dog partner or able bodied facilitator helping a disabled
loved one to keep up an assistance dog’s training. At a minimum, you
• Know pertinent canine laws (i.e. leash laws and public access laws)
• Ensure the dog is healthy, flea free and vaccinations are up to date
• Take time to make sure your dog is well groomed and free of any
foul odour
• Show respect and consideration to other people and property.
• Use humane training methods; monitor the dog’s stress level;
provide rest breaks.
• Carry clean up materials. Arrange for prompt clean up if a dog
eliminates or gets sick.
• Be polite and willing to educate the public about assistance dogs
and access rights.
* The 120 hours of schooling includes the time invested in homework
training sessions between obedience classes or lessons from an
experienced dog trainer.PUBLIC ACCESS TEST
How will you know when your dog is ready to graduate from an “in
training” status to the status of a full fledged assistance dog with whom
you are entitled to have public access rights?
An excellent tool for evaluating a team’s readiness to graduate [e.g.
finish up formal training] is the Public Access Certification Test (PACT)
which can be found on the website of Assistance Dogs International
at www.assistancedogsinternational.org
The Public Access Test evaluates the dog’s obedience and manners and
the handler’s skills in a variety of situations which include:
A. The handler’s abilities to:
( 1 ) safely load and unload the dog from a vehicle;
( 2 ) enter a public place without losing control of the dog;
( 3 ) to recover the leash if accidently dropped, and
( 4 ) to cope calmly with an access problem if an employee or customer
questions the individual’s right to bring a dog into that establishment.
B. The dog’s ability to:
( 1 ) safely cross a parking lot, halt for traffic, and ignore distractions;
( 2 ) heel through narrow aisles;
( 3 ) hold a Sit-Stay when a shopping cart passes by or when a person
stops to chat and pets the dog;
(4 ) hold a Down Stay when a child approaches and briefly pets the dog;
( 5 ) hold a Sit Stay when someone drops food on the floor; hold a Down
Stay when someone sets a plate of food on the floor within 18″ (30 cm)
of the dog, then removes it a minute later. [the handler may say “Leave
It” to help the dog resist the temptation.]( 6 ) remain calm if someone else holds the leash while the handler
moves 20 ft. (6m) away;
( 7 ) remain calm while another dog passes within 6 ft. (2m)of the team
during the test. This can occur in a parking lot or store. Alternatively, you
could arrange for a neighbour with a pet dog to stroll past your
residence while you load your dog into a vehicle at the beginning of the
IAADP agrees with ADI’s ethical position that the amount of training
given to an assistance dog should NEVER fall below the minimum level
needed to pass this Public Access Test.
NOTE: Passing the Public Access Test does not mean the organization,
ADI, officially “certifies” your dog, since ADI does not certify any dogs
and neither does IAADP. It is up to the program or trainer giving the test
to provide the desired credentialing.
AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Test: Another way to document you
have made an effort to train your dog to be safe around other dogs and
people while working out in public is to pass what is known as the “CGC”
test. Many obedience training centres offer the test to handlers who
take their six week “Canine Good Citizen” class after a six week Beginner
obedience class. Others may offer it once or twice a year to members of
the public who want to earn that credentialing. IAADP urges owner
trainers to at least train an assistance dog to the point where he or she
can pass it with flying colours.
What is a Task?
A task is a certain desired behaviour or set of behaviours the dog is
trained to habitually perform in response to a command or a particular
situation such as the onset of a seizure, which cues the dog to perform a
task. The task must be related to your disabling condition, helping you in
some way.
What is meant by “individually trained”?
A dog has been “individually trained” to do work or perform tasks for
the benefit of a disabled individual when the dog is deliberately taughtto exhibit the desired behaviour or sequence of behaviours by rewarding
the dog for the right response(s) and communicating, if only through
silence, when the dog has made the wrong response in a particular
situation. A task is learned when the dog reliably exhibits the desired
behaviour whenever needed to assist his/her partner on command or
cue. Examples of individually trained tasks include retrieving a phone,
providing deep pressure therapy during a panic attack or providing
balance support on a staircase to prevent a fall.
Why are individually trained Tasks so important?
Trained tasks that mitigate the effects of a disabling condition are the
legal basis for granting access rights to disabled handlers. An assistance
dog with this special training is viewed as assistive technology / medical
equipment, not as a pet